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Our current list of available MP3 Hypnosis Sessions

Limited Time Sale on MP3 Sessions $20 each

Stress Rub Session

This session once ran puts in a Trigger that you use when you become stressed

or have anxiety . the Trigger once activated by you causes

all stress and anxiety to flow away from your body Leaving you

feeling stress and anxiety free the rest of the day

Stress Management Demo

Pain Management Rub

This Session once ran puts in a Trigger that you use when you are in pain

or have discomfort. The Trigger once Activated by you causes

all pain and discomfort to flow away from your body leaving you

pain and discomfort free for the rest of the day.


Notes About Pain Management Session

the Pain Management Session is not designed for new unexplained pain

new unexplained pain should be looked at by a doctor.

the session is made for cronic pain that has been diagnosed by a doctor

3rd Person Feel Session

This Session allows you to feel what characters on video games , virtual worlds , movies feel

by simply touching the character on your screen and saying feel. and you will till the game, movie , virtual world stops.

this session has built in safety protocols to prevent you from feeling anything that will cause you harm or damage.

3rd person feel-demo

Notes about all MP3 Sessions Here

The Sessions work best when wearing headphones and are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

MP3 Sessions may require you to run them a few times before the triggers work fully